How to register:

Register using the form below. Immediately, you will receive an email with the following information:

  1. A confirmation of payment
  2. A general confirmation of your registration, with the link to use to participate in the September 26th webinar on the “Investigation of Spray Foam Insulation Odors and Air Quality Problem Sources Using Air Testing Combined with Bulk Foam Off-Gas Sampling”

Important! Don’t see your email(s)?

  1. Check your spam folder!
  2. Make sure the e-mail address you used when you registered is spelled correctly
  3. If you don’t receive the e-mail with the program link within a few minutes of registration, contact MIAQC Executive Director at 207-626-8115 or  (Please do not wait until the afternoon of the forum!)


$35 for MIAQC Members*
$50 for Nonmembers
$184 for MIAQC Membership ($149) + Webinar at member rate

Need a scholarship?  No problem – just e-mail Christy Crocker, MIAQC Executive Director.

See you on September 26th!

Register here for the September 26th Spray Foam Webinar: Investigation of Spray Foam Insulation Odors and Air Quality Problem Sources Using Air Testing Combined with Bulk Foam Off-Gas Sampling

(You must complete this form for each individual attending the program).
