What’s new for 2022

In 2022, you’ll get access to all of the amazing content we’ve developed for Maine’s professional residential construction community, and at a reduced price too.  We’ve taken the 2021 video content and placed it within an on-line learning management system.  Now you can learn what you want, when you want:  100% at your own pace and on your own schedule.

More. We believe in the value of being able to ask questions and engage in conversation with other professionals. Course participants have the opportunity to attend up to four evening discussion forums that correspond to the four components of the series (Foundations, Building Shell, HVAC, and Renovations).  The original presenters will be available to answer questions, clarify training concepts, and above all, help you get the most from your training experience.  These live forums are included with your training access.

Forum Schedule:

Foundations – Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Building Shell (Envelope) – Wednesday, February 2, 2022

HVAC – Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Renovations – Wednesday, February 16, 2022

About the Course:

When you participate in this course, you’ll gain practical knowledge of construction practices that both optimize energy efficiency measures as well as minimize the risk of moisture and indoor air quality problems in new and existing homes.  You’ll learn that high performance homes are not hard to construct, and how extra efficiency measures have a very reasonable payback – both for the builder and the homeowner.

The sessions include illustrations of current Building and Energy Codes (2015); Energy Star Guidelines; Zero Energy Ready Guidelines; and Passiv-Haus Guidelines. They further provide an introduction to basic building science and IAQ principles, and incorporate humor to convey the core concepts. The program trainers William A. Turner and David Johnston, provide a perfect blend of building science technique with practical, pound-the-nails guidance.

In each session, you’ll get:

  • Proven cost-effective and energy efficient building construction techniques
  • The physical processes that require attention:  how air, moisture, and heat move in and out of a home
  • Practical strategies to effectively and economically address both energy efficiency and indoor air quality
  • Case studies from actual projects (participants are encouraged to bring issues to the sessions)
  • Specific references and resources, such as Codes and Standards; DOE’s Building America Solutions Center,  EPA’s Energy Star with IAQ Plus Sites, Passive Haus; Net-Zero Ready Homes; Aging in Place; and private publications

This Course is Designed For:  

Building contractors and subcontractors, architects, engineers, codes enforcement officials (including TPI’s), home inspectors, building supply representatives, product manufacturers, insurance representatives, mortgage lenders, real estate professionals, and home energy improvement professionals.


$79 for Maine Indoor Air Quality Council Members 

$109 for nonmembers 

$40 for post program certification exam (become a MIAQC certified residential construction professional)

Course fees entitle you to access to all pre-recorded video sessions, ability to attend all four live, virtual discussion forums, access to our residential construction resources page.

Scholarships Available

Don’t ever let registration fees keep you from learning.  If you want to attend a program but need some financial assistance to do so, please just contact us at 207-626-8115 or christy@maineindoorair.org. View our scholarship policy.

Get Certified

Show your customers and clients that you’ve made the commitment to building things better.  Get certified as a Maine Indoor Air Quality Council Certified Residential Construction Professional.  This certification is available to participants who:

  • Register and watch all video sessions
  • Register for and pass the certification exam
  • Make a non-binding pledge to follow the practices and concepts as taught in the trainings.

Click here for answers to your questions about this Certification


About the Trainers:

Bill Turner, of Turner Building Science, LLC, has 30+ years’ experience in dealing with fundamental Building Science, Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality forensic principles.  Bill has two renovated homes participating in the 1000 Home Challenge program, with a focus on energy efficiency and indoor air quality.  He provides training both locally and nationally for a broad range of building and IAQ organizations.

David Johnston is president of David Johnston & Co., has been building healthy, energy efficient homes in Maine for more than 35 years. David currently teaches building construction trade classes at Central Maine Community College, and has served as an adjunct instructor in Residential Design and Drafting and Graphic Design at the USM Department of Industrial Technology. David currently serves on the Advisory Committees for Southern Maine Community College, Central Maine Community College, and Westbrook Region Technology Center.

Continuing Education Credits

This table will be updated as approvals are secured.

Type of CreditFoundations
Building Shell
USGBC8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
Engineers8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
8.0 hours
Self-Report with Certificate of Attendance
AIAApproved for 8 HSW -
Program #8.2023.01
Approved for 8 HSW -
Program #8.2023.02
Approved for 8 HSW -
Program #8.2023.03
Approved for 8 HSW -
Program #8.2023.04
Real Estate ProfessionalsApproved for 8 hours
Course# CN276C059LE
(LIVE attendance only)
Approved for 8 hours
Course# CN276C058LE
(LIVE attendance only)
Approved for 8 hours
Course# CN276C056LE
(LIVE attendance only)
Approved for 8 hours
Course# CN276C057LE
(LIVE attendance only)
BPI4.0 credits
Course #18431
8.0 credits
Webinar Course #18435
4.0 credits
Course #18432
8.0 credits
Webinar Course #18436
4.0 credits
Course #18433
8.0 credits
Webinar Course #18437
4.0 credits
Course #18434
8.0 credits
Webinar Course #18438
Code Enforcement6.0 credits in
IRC, Residential Ventilation or Residential Energy

6.0 credits in
IRC, Residential Ventilation or Residential Energy
6.0 credits in
IRC, Residential Ventilation or Residential Energy
6.0 credits in
IRC, Residential Ventilation or Residential Energy
Radon4 credits4 credits4 credits4 credits

About the Foundations Module:

Proper site work and foundation construction are as critical to the overall quality and healthfulness of a home as the building shell that is constructed above grade. As a result, a builder’s job begins before the very first shovel of dirt comes out of the ground, not after the foundation is completed. This program highlights the physical processes at work below grade–processes related to temperature, water, moisture, and air–and how they can cause a variety of problems that not only may affect occupant health, but may also drastically compromise energy efficiency and the building structure. The session offers practical how-to guidance on ways to avoid mistakes in site drainage and foundation construction: mistakes that are costly and difficult to fix after the home is completed.

The session includes instruction on easy, no-cost techniques to calculate dew point on building surfaces.

What you’ll learn:

  1. The how’s and why’s of foundation drainage, bulk water management, and vapor management
  2. The difference between “damp proofing” and “water proofing”
  3. The how’s and why’s of thermal breaks between earth and structure below ground
  4. How to create true capillary breaks between earth and concrete, concrete and wood
  5. The radon problem and how to minimize it
  6. Strategies for successful insulation of the critical floor slab/footing/wall joint
  7. Benefits of insulating basement walls and floors versus insulating basement ceiling
  8. The ASTM Radon Resistant Construction Standard
  9. Basic interpretation of infrared imagery
  10.  How a “finished basement” will influence new construction decisions
  11. How to calculate dew point on building surfaces.

About The Building Shell Module

Simply put, a new home’s building shell is comprised of the structural elements that separate the inside from the outside: walls, roof, windows, doors, including things that govern long-term performance: air barrier, wind barrier, vapor diffusion layer, insulation, drainage plane, and exterior cladding. The shell’s function is anything but simple. It has to protect its occupants from rain, wind and snow. It has to control the flow of energy and heat between indoors and outdoors. It has to control the flow of air and moisture. It has to provide light and a means to enter and exit, and allow pollutants and contaminants to flow out of the building. The shell has to create an environment that is comfortable indoors, when conditions outdoors are not. And, it significantly determines the affordability and energy consumption of a home. This program presents practical techniques building professionals can use to achieve all of these goals and still provide healthy IAQ.

What you’ll learn: 

  1. How to define air tightness in a building enclosure
  2. How to manage both bulk water and water vapor
  3. Air flow management in a building enclosure
  4. The importance of a well-sealed air barrier
  5. The varying impact of moisture on common building materials
  6. Minimizing heat bypasses to minimize condensation and heat loss
  7. Various approaches to design a wall system with an R value greater than R=30
  8. Various approaches to design an cathedral ceiling with an R value greater than R=40
  9. Basic interpretation of infrared imagery of wall systems
  10. Critical components of good roof design in heavy snow areas in cold climates

About the HVAC Module

Building and renovating homes in Maine’s climate is a challenge. While most customers demand that their homes be constructed and renovated to minimize heat loss – most customers don’t make similar demands for adequate ventilation and moisture management. Yet ventilation of a Maine home, particularly an energy efficient home, is one of the most critical construction issues Maine builders need to address in order to prevent call backs and problems down the road. Properly ventilated homes minimize the risk of exposure to indoor environmental pollutants (radon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, combustion pollutants, chemicals) and minimize the risk of moisture damage in the building envelope and subsequent biological contamination. This program stresses why controlling ventilation in a home is necessary to protect occupant health. It will discuss the most common sources of indoor air pollution in homes and how they get there, and what physical processes are present (air flow, pressure, moisture) that affect indoor air quality. The program provides practical strategies to achieve energy efficient heating, moisture control, and core ventilation goals.

What you’ll learn:

  1. Do you or don’t you “build tight, ventilate right”?
  2. The three primary driving forces of air movement in or out of a building
  3. The basic rules of moisture movement
  4. The consequences of insufficient “make-up” air
  5. How and why to apply ASHRAE 62.2
  6. Atmospherically vented combustion appliances vs. sealed combustion
  7. Describe various approaches for ventilating a home
  8. Describe various approaches for effectively ventilating cooking areas
  9. Describe various approaches to HVAC and domestic hot water with combustion devices and/or heat pumps
  10. Key components of good year-round ventilation, heating, cooling, and humidity control.

About the Renovations Module

This session focuses on practical short and long-term strategies to both maximize current and future energy efficiency and minimize IAQ problems when undertaking common residential renovations.  The program covers identification of potential IAQ hazards in an existing home, understanding how specific renovation projects can impact indoor air quality, and strategies to both renovate a home for improved energy efficiency and AND reduce health risks for home occupants.  Covers: weatherization, basement improvements, roofs, windows/doors, bathrooms, kitchens, additions, and ventilation.  Case studies of actual projects will be used to illustrate training concepts.

What you’ll learn:

  1. Why pre-evaluation of the structure for chronic moisture, water stains, wood decay, lead paint, asbestos, and radon is so important
  2. The implications of excess moisture on the underside of roof sheathing
  3. Planned management of air flow, humidity and combustion safety
  4.  Safe lead paint and asbestos removal practices, and effective radon management
  5. Various means of providing make up air for an existing atmospherically vented combustion appliance
  6. The causes of ice dams and how to eliminate them
  7. Why an oil-like smell, cracks, and high water marks may be a concern in an existing basement
  8. Describe various approaches for deep energy retrofits and building resilience
  9. Determining when and why various types of energy retrofits make sense
  10. Considerations for special buildings (e.g. log homes, historic structures, and aging in place)

Register for Course Access:

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