A free session for MIAQC Members. ($25 for nonmembers)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Curtis Memorial Library
23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick, ME 04011
- Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:00 a.m.
- Annual MIAQC Membership Meeting: 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
- Program: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
- MIAQC Board of Directors Meeting (All are welcome): 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
To register, scroll to end of this page.
About This Program:
Some people absolutely love doing public speaking. Really! Others loathe it but can do it, grudgingly. And still others will do anything they can to avoid it, then stagger through a near-traumatic experience (before, during and after) if they can’t avoid it. In this presentation, we’ll focus on the needs of the novice: the person who may be called upon to do a public presentation as a regular part of job expectations, or simply an occasional duty or a one-time demand, but has zero or little experience and has no idea how to prepare. We’ll go over basics including how to envision the presentation, how to structure it, how to rehearse and adjust it, and how to react to audience reaction while you’re actually giving the presentation. We’ll also look at how to overcome fear of this task, or at least deal effectively with it. The goal will be to help those who feel least equipped for public speaking walk away feeling they know where to start and what to do to maximize their chances of success.
Registration Fees:
$0 for Members of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council
$35 for Nonmembers
$99 – Join the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council (dues through June 30, 2020)
About the Presenter:
Roland Adams, Strategic Communications Consultant and Media Relations Advisor – Communications for Results, Greene, Maine
Roland Adams has extensive experience with planning and execution of strategic communications as well as media relations at national, international, regional and local levels. His experience includes marketing and fundraising communications, alumni communications, internal communications, events planning and management and community outreach.
Register On-line Here:
Use this form to register on-line for the event. You can pay today with a