Unwanted pests indoors can damage your home and make you and your family sick. At the same time, pesticides–which are chemicals created to kill things–may also make you and your family sick. If you want to rid your home of uninvited critters, use non-chemical methods first before you reach for that pesticides can or poisonous bait.
Your goal is to choose the most effective option with the least risk to the people in your home.
Tips to Get Rid of Pests Without Pesticides
- Learn all you can about the pest. The more you know about how it gets in, what it likes to eat, and where it likes to nest, the more likely you are to have success eliminating it from your home.
- Small rodents such as mice or rats can be trapped either in catch & release traps or snap traps that kill the animal quickly and humanely.
- Install one-way exit devices over entry points that allow bats, birds, and squirrels to exit the building but not let them back in.
- Frequently vacuum up ant trails and other bugs.
- Use jar traps, pheromone traps and nontoxic bait traps.