Future of the Maine Radon Program: Alive and Well

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Last Fall, Bob Stilwell, who served as the Director of the Maine State Radon Section for close to 30 years and who has essentially personified the state’s radon initiatives, left the radon program for another position within the Department. Bob’s departure, followed by other unexpected staffing changes, left many in the public and professional community wondering what the future holds for state-supported initiatives to address radon in Maine.

Christy Crocker, MIAQC Executive Director, reached out to Nancy Beardsley and Jay Hyland at Maine CDC seeking an update on both the current status and future of the Maine State Radon Section. Here’s a quick summary of what she learned:

  • Although handling other program duties, Bob Stilwell has not completely disappeared from the radon arena. He continues to be available as a resource to the radon program and is actively working to finalize the radon rules which have been in the pipeline for the last couple of years.
  • Although Bob’s radon position and that of the Section support staff are currently vacant, they are scheduled for recruitment/filling in the very near future. (FYI – if anyone is interested in being considered for one of these positions, contact Jay Hyland at Maine CDC to be placed on a list to receive more information as it becomes available).
  • In spite of some uncertainty regarding the future of federal funding, the state of Maine will continue to allocate resources for the program. Radon initiatives have the full support of the Commissioner’s office.
  • The Department is both maintaining its existing programs and services as well as exploring new opportunities through collaboration with “sister” programs and other state agencies.
  • Members of the public seeking radon information can still access the radon homepage (available through www.maineradiationcontrol.org) or contact the department at 207-287-5676.

Those of us here at the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council look forward to continued collaboration with the State Radon Section, and to creating a working relationship with the new radon staff. Radon has been and will continue to be a priority action area for the Council, and we are pleased to learn that it will continue to be supported at the state-wide level.

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