Q. What are the benefits of getting certified?
A. Getting certified is a great way to set yourself apart from your competition. When you become MIAQC Certified, you are saying to your customers that you care about their long-term health and comfort. And, you care enough to invest the time, energy, and financial resources to get educated on strategies to build and renovate homes for both health and energy efficiency.
Certificate-holders will further benefit from the efforts of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council to promote you by:
– Listing all certificate holders in good standing on the MIAQC website
– Sharing the list of current certificate holders to Maine Home Inspectors (MECHIPS)
– Sharing the list of current certificate holders to Maine Codes Enforcement Officers (MBOIA)
– Issuing press releases regarding the availability of the certificate holder listing to Maine media outlets.
Q. What is required to get the certification?
A. There are two requirements to obtain the certification. 1) Attend all four programs that are part of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council’s Residential Construction Training Series. Attendance does not have to be within the same calendar year, but they do need to be within the past 5 years. 2) Take and pass the certification exam.
Q. What is the cost?
A. If attending all 4 trainings in 2023, there is no additional cost to sit for the exam and obtain the certification. The exam fee is just $40 for anyone who took some or all of the trainings prior to 2023.
Q. Once I have my certification, how do I maintain it?
A. All you need to do to maintain your certification is attend a minimum of 3.0 hours of continuing education each calendar year, plus pay a nominal certification maintenance fee ($35 for MIAQC members and $50 for nonmembers). You will be asked to submit evidence of completion of this continuing education requirement each year.
Q. What if I fail the exam?
A. If you fail your initial exam, you can register for the next exam date. A nominal fee, however, will apply.
Q. Will my certification expire?
A. As long as you maintain the certification by attending a minimum of 3.0 hours of continuing education per calendar year and pay your small maintenance fee, your certification will not expire.