Dear MIAQC Board Member:

Every year, Board members are asked to complete three key forms:

  1. A pledge form to support MIAQC
  2. An annual conflict of interest disclosure form
  3. The “Menu” of Fundraising – a listing of ways you can support MIAQC. Feel free to opt for other ideas as you think of them

All three forms are contained on this one web page. Be sure to hit submit after completing EACH form or the form entries will not be saved. You should complete ALL THREE before leaving the page.

Completion of the forms is requested no later than September 1, 2024

Call me at 207-626-8115 or 207-313-8530 or e-mail me: if you have any questions.

Board Pledge Form:

MIAQC Board of Directors are asked to make a personal financial pledge to support the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council.  Your donation should be from personal financial resources, not those of your company or sponsoring organization.  Board members are encouraged to donate a minimum of $100, but other amounts are acceptable.  The priority is to have 100% Board donation participation, rather than a set dollar amount.  Pledges can be paid by check, credit card, or Venmo/PayPal.   Credit card pledges can be paid with lump sum payments or in installments.  Note:  all pledges will be confidential.

Board Member Pledge Form

Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Using the form fields below, please disclose your relationships, outside commitment interests or situations that involve you or a family member which you consider might result in or appear to be an actual, apparent, or potential Conflict between such family members or yourself on one hand and the Council on the other.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Board Fundraising “Menu” of Service

Board Fundraising Menu

Options for the many ways Board members can fundraise to support the Council and its mission. You may commit to as many items as you like—but please consider selecting at least one per category (Starters, Entrees, Desserts)